December 21 This World Is Not My Home

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Friends, this world is not your home, so don’t make yourselves cozy in it. Don’t indulge your ego at the expense of your soul. Live an exemplary life among the natives so that your actions will refute their prejudices. Then they’ll be won over to God’s side and be there to join in the celebration when he arrives. I Peter 2:11-12 MSG

His body, riddled by the destructive effects of cancer, grew weaker as each day passed. Kristofor’s love for God and people was evident in his life. Even in the midst of intense pain, he radiantly shined Jesus to all who walked through his door. That day came when family and friends circled Kristofor’s bed. They sang his favorite hymns and shared heart-warming stories that brought smiles to their faces, including Kristofor’s. Then, he closed his eyes, drifted into peaceful sleep, and went Home.

We may think of Kristofor’s thirty-one years on this earth as tragically brief, but realistically, compared to eternity, his span of years was no shorter than ours. What joy it will be to leave the toils of this earth and enter into our promised forever Home.

The One who gave us life came as a helpless babe, lived among men with flawless grace, compassion and integrity, then humbled Himself to death on a cross. His exemplary life has provided us the perfect example for living and dying.

Father, I want to be like Kristofor. I want to glorify You, even in my pain.
written by Karen Sheppard