December 23, 2017 Christmas Daily Devotion

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Christmas Charity

Zane Williams


Blessed are the poor in spirt:

 for theirs is the kingdom of God.

Matthew 5:3 (KJV)


When I hear the Salvation Army volunteers ringing their bells outside the stores, I know Christmas is approaching. Their bells appeal to my heart to give to the ones who cannot care for themselves. The volunteers undertake the beckoning for the poor. Each volunteer smiles and greets me with “Merry Christmas” as I enter the store. I dig in my purse and find loose change, so my children can place the money in their pail. As the coins clatter to the bottom of their bucket, the happy volunteer rejoices with “God bless you.”

I contemplate. Yes!  God has blessed me.  For I, too, was a beggar, destitute without hope. My family prayed for my salvation. Praise God! At seven years old, laying aside my pride, I became like a beggar pleading for alms. I realized my sinful condition, reached out in childlike faith, and placed my trust in Jesus as my Savior. That day, Jesus became my Savior and so much more.

Now as a mother and grandmother, each day holds a choice for me. Do I approach this day as a beggar relying on Jesus or do I try to make it on my own? Christmas is so special to me because those first cries of a newborn in Bethlehem are the answer to this beggar’s cries for help every day. I cannot do life without Him.

Lord, may this Christmas season remind us to rely on You.